Jolene Edwards

Assistant Real Estate Manager, Broker

Pronouns: She / Her

503 505 2445 Cell

503 224 6791 Main

Jolene Edwards serves as an Assistant Real Estate Manager on a portfolio of retail and office properties in Portland and Southwest Washington. With a talent for problem-solving, she treats every situation with care and looks for creative ways to address issues with client properties. In her role she is responsible for coordinating with tenants on required documentation, establishing relationships with vendors to facilitate the scheduling of work and assisting with billing. She’s always looking for better, more efficient ways to complete tasks without sacrificing quality. Prior to joining NAI Elliott, Jolene served as an Account Manager and Administrative Assistant in the insurance industry. She has a strong background in customer service and looks for ways to go the extra mile for clients, tenants and vendors.

“Do or do not; there is no try.”

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